Product Description
This kit is a 2" Slip X Dead End X (4) 3/4" Barbs X (1) 3/4" Barb manifold repair kit for freeze damaged Cal Spa or Coleman Spas.
The manifolds are found on the left front side of the tub usually and has 4 lines and the drain attached to them. To replace you would simply pull the clamps up off the end of the manifold barbs and cut the clear tube at the the top of the barb. Then heat the clear tube with hair dryer to make them pliable and slip them back on the manifold after glueing slide the clamps back into place and you are done. We also offer this kit with glue. You may also need a heater split nut if this part is freeze damaged. The Manifold recieves a 2" pipe on one side and then is a Dead End on the other side with (4) 3/4" Barb Fittings then there is a 2" to 1" bushing with a 1" x 3/4" Barb fitting that glues inside the manifold.
This part used in newer Cal Spa and Coleman hot tubs and many others .