Product Description
Introducing the ACC (Applied Computer Controls) Smartouch Digital Uni-Pack 1000 control system kit. The Heater on this unit can be used with most spas since the heater can be moved up and down the back of the box or mounted remotely, this slick design will alleviate the need to replumb in most cases. The heater relay is off board and uses a larger mechanical contactor that can be changed during failure, rather than complete circuit board. This feature allows the circuit board to last longer, as heater relays are the #1 reason folks need to replace their board.
The Uni-Pack 1000 will support a 2 speed pump, single speed blower/pump, ozonator, circulation pump (Optional) and 12 volt light. Includes complete control unit - heater, digital topside control, and all cords. The Heater length can be customized to accommodate your spa needs, standard is 15".
Uni-Pack 1000 Features:
- 5.5 KW Heater, 15"
- 2" Unions
- Digital Topside control w/ 4 Foot Ribbon Cable
- Topside control Dimensions = 5.5" X 2.5" (Can upgrade to Larger)
- Fully Programmable heat and filtration
- Economy heating mode
- Winter mode to prevent freeze
- All output voltages can be configured, depending on setup
Please Note: The Uni-Pack 1000 can be customized for addition of special lighting, higher heater KW, dedicated circulation pump, larger topside control, adapter plates, cord lengths and preset voltages. Please give us a call to customize.