Product Description
- Supports: Pump 1 = 1 or 2 speed, Pump 2 = 1 or 2 speed, Blower = single speed, Pump 3 = single speed, Circ Pump (Min 20 GPM), Ozonator, 12 Volt Light, Pump 4 = single speed (need splitter)
- 240 VAC, 60 Hz Incoming power only (3 or 4 wire)
- 5.5 KW, 15" Flo-Thru Heater w/ 2" unions
- WiFi and Bluetooth compatible (Modules sold separate)
The BP7 systems do not include power cords for the pumps, blower, ozonator or hot plug and are sold separately. If you have a Balboa or Gecko system with AMP style plugs you should be able to re-use your cords as long as your wiring config matches.